
Great Content Means Great Audiences

Focus on adding real value to site visitors

SEO caused a lot of problems for internet users. It distracted internet people away from audience to focusing on algorithms and updates to Google. It rewarded low quality content based on keywords and volume over better quality.

Today this isn’t the case. Good sites are laser focused on building long term, repeat, organic audience by delivering real value. I have seen this in a number of spaces I have analyzed including in green, electric vehicles, sites offering reviews of household goods, apparel reviews and household and commercial appliances like coffee machines.

This new breed of site is data driven. This helps them to identify a real audience need and to improve the engagement of readers. But increasingly publishers are seeing that there are just no short cuts to engagement and success.

Search Results Can Be Controlled

Page One Tells It All

Type in your name in Google or Bing, what do your search results come up with?  Are you happy with the results?  It is amazing how many people out there do not like what shows up on page one.

Very common positions that take over page one are Ripoff Report and bad Yelp reviews.  Review sites are the worst because they give all the control to the reviewer and none to the “reviewee”, unless you want to pay of course.

An Unfair Playground

The internet search results are a very unfair playground.  It preys on the dirty and scoundrel-less-ness of a person or company instead of the good.  People always click on the negative things because that is the juicy gossip one loves to read about and then share.

A lot of the time something stays at the top is because that persons friend keeps checking in on that person and also sharing that link too.  Friends are the biggest reason something negative gains traction in the ranks of search engines.

Good Search Results Take Time

So, you see these negative things about you, now what?  Your search results can be changed.  These negatives probably showed up pretty quickly on page one.  One needs to understand it will take time to bump it off of page one.  Take time and a lot of new content for your name.

One way to see how to manage this approach is to look at sites that do a good job of creating organic, yet focused communities and high quality, targeted content for clear audiences.

OAP has many clients that had many negatives on page one and now are pushed out of page one using organic procedures.  We do not practice Black Hat SEO.  We help client by getting content written and then put on the internet in a controlled way.